Reality Check: Are Your Words Building Connections or Creating Barriers?


In today’s Reality Check, we’re diving into the art of smart communication — from avoiding taboo words to harnessing the power of tone.  

What if you never had to apologize to a customer again, but instead had scripts at the ready to turn any potential inconvenience into an opportunity to connect and communicate? 

Words and delivery aren’t just part of the guest experience; they are the guest experience. Let me show you how to get it right with examples fresh from real life!  

Word Choice Matters  

Your team needs to ban certain taboo words and phrases — words that sabotage the customer experience. Let’s start with one of my favorites: “wait.”  

Nobody wants to wait, and nobody likes being told to wait. The mere mention of the word invites irritation. Coming from a healthcare background, I’ve seen how this plays out:  

“Wait here; the doctor will be with you in a minute.”   

Ever notice it’s never just a minute? Combine that with the fact that “waiting” is already everyone’s least favorite part of a visit, and it’s a recipe for frustration.  

 Instead, try this:   

“If you would like to relax here, you’re the next patient to be seen.”  See how much more inviting and positive that sounds?  

 In a retail setting, instead of saying:  

“It’s going to be about a 7-day wait for that product to arrive.”   

 Flip it to:  

“You can expect delivery in only 7 days.”  

Small changes, big impact.  

The Power of Tone  

Words alone don’t seal the deal — your tone carries just as much weight. This week, I had an interaction that proved just how much tone matters.  

I called a hotel to check on a reservation. Thinking I might’ve double-booked myself, I explained the situation to the agent in a friendly, concise way. He misunderstood, so I rephrased to clarify.  

What happened next? He interrupted me, irritation dripping from his voice, and said, “Stop. If you’ll just let me ask questions, we can figure this out.”  

Yikes. He wasn’t wrong, but his tone felt like I was a 5 year-old being scolded by her father!  

Here’s how he could’ve nailed it:  

 “I’m happy to work with you to figure this out. Let me ask a few quick questions, and we’ll get to the bottom of it.”  

See the difference? Same intent, better tone.  

Challenge of the Month  

Words and tone are the cornerstones of exceptional service. This month, I challenge your team to:  

Identify taboo words in your business. Create simple, positive swaps that leave customers feeling good.  

Practice tone — especially when frustration creeps in. Match the words with a friendly, collaborative vibe.  

When you do this, you’ll reduce the number of apologies you need to make. Or better yet, you’ll eliminate the need for them entirely.  

Because when you stop scripting apologies, you can start scripting moments that don’t need them. 

Meet Laurie Guest

Meet Laurie Guest

An entrepreneur, keynote speaker and author, Laurie Guest, CSP is a “go-to-resource” for customer service excellence. For more than two decades, she has shared her practical point of view on customer service and staff development with audiences and companies across the country, blending real-life examples and proven action steps for improvement. Her latest book, The 10¢ Decision: How Small Change Pays of Big, presents her most sought-after and impactful strategies to find and retain the best staff and highest-quality customers while delivering exceptional guest experiences.

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