As May comes to a close, I’m reflecting on the work I did last month with the nurses at the Rutgers Cancer Center. It was an honor to speak at the Elizabeth Gibby Osborne Excellence in Oncology Nursing Awards in New Jersey, and I got to hear a story I really wanted to share with you.
The awards are named after Elizabeth, who was a patient at the Rutgers Cancer Center several years ago. During her time there, she was known for her ability to truly connect with her caregivers in a special and memorable way.
She learned the first name of every nurse, and also always asked the day of their birthdays so she could celebrate on the special day. What a legacy to leave behind.
After her death in 2004, Elizabeth’s husband established an endowment to honor excellent service and education in oncology nursing. And to celebrate Elizabeth’s legacy on the nursing staff. Imagine what a moving scene it was to be there when this year’s awards were presented! It was a great day and wonderful group of nurses. Check out my video message on the event, too.
Learn more about this wonderful event here.