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Embrace Leadership: Revisiting Bust Out of Service Fatigue After re-reading my latest book, Bust Out of Service Fatigue, I was most struck by the chapter on leadership. I want to share a portion of the chapter and...

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Create the Joy – Bust Out of Service Fatigue

Watch the full conversation now. When we’re exhausted, there’s little room for joy. Everything is a slog, and it’s hard to find the proverbial silver lining anywhere. Being joyless deprives us of the energetic smiles and laughs that make customer interactions that much more enjoyable for us and them. But...
Captain Cascade

The Captain Cascade – Bust Out of Service Fatigue

Scroll down for the full session recording. What is Captain Cascade? Simply put, it means that the captain of the organization sets the tone that flows down through the ranks. Like a gorgeous Hawaiian water fall cascades down the mountainside, what it encounters at the top impacts its flow to...

A Valentine’s Day Message: Show the Love

I've got a brief Valentine's Day message for you, one where I want to hear about how you "show the love" to your customers not just during the season, but all year 'round. Check out my message below, and then get an exclusive glimpse at my lesson on appreciation. Or,...

Boundaries – Bust Out of Service Fatigue

Ready to register? Sign Up Here Can anyone remember the days when work fit neatly into the 9-5 workday?  When there wasn’t a tether to the office through constant digital connection?  While technology has led to many amazing opportunities for most of us, there is a downside that could be...

Motivation, Morale & Mood — Bust Out of Service Fatigue

Watch the event recording now. Ready to register for future sessions? Sign Up Here I call it the “3M” formula, and it’s where everything in excellent customer service delivery starts: motivation, morale and mood. Service Fatigue is real, and it’s causing many companies to re-evaluate what work should look like,...

Bust Out of Service Fatigue!

Ready to sign up for the virtual conversations? Registration is now open! REGISTER HERE A new year is usually met with a fresh sense of energy, commitment, and a resolution to do things in life better or bigger. There is nothing quite like turning the page on the calendar to...
2022 Of Centre Target Of Dartboard. Business Hitting To Achieve

Themed Living: My Theme for 2022 — Is it Enough?

Every year about this time I choose a theme for the coming year. I call it theme living, and it’s defined as choosing a word or short phrase to focus on starting January 1 and lasting for the next 365 days. Some years have been fun, like 1998, “The Year of No!” And some years were super challenging, like 2011, “No Soda, No Sass.” (For...

Found! Three Common Mistakes Discovered While Secret Shopping (And How to Fix Them)

One of the premium services I offer to clients seeking to level-up their customer service delivery is Secret Shopping. My team and I experience your business as a customer would and report back on our findings, good, bad or ugly. And of course, we always provide solutions to help your team improve...

The Power of Service: Be Prepared for Customer Service Week

Since 1991, the first week of October has been deemed National Customer Service Week by the Customer Service Group. With the week quickly approaching this year (October 4-8), I’m getting a jump start on the celebration and I hope you will, too. At a time when there’s a lot of noise...