Embrace Leadership: Revisiting Bust Out of Service Fatigue

After re-reading my latest book, Bust Out of Service Fatigue, I was most struck by the chapter on leadership. I want to share a portion of the chapter and challenge you to think about what kind of leader you are and what example you’re setting for your team. Plus, get the top questions to ask…

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More in ’24: Save 24% On Trainings, Books and More

It’s mid-year and I’m ready to help you level up your customer service game. While I’m on the road bringing my trainings and programs to teams across the country, you can get 24% off my virtual products and books, including the Bust Out of Service Fatigue toolkit. (Note: this excludes enterprise licensing!) This is the…

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Bust Out of Service Fatigue: Embrace Empowered Leadership

Although there are several factors that lead to service fatigue in individuals and across teams, an absence of confident and competent leadership might just be the single biggest contributor to this workplace epidemic. Think about it: Every aspect of your work life is dependent on how leadership, from the executive suite down to shift managers,…

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Bust Out of Service Fatigue: Coping With Change

The only thing that stays the same is that everything changes. Were truer words ever spoken? Change is inevitable in every aspect of your life, and your work is no exception. But most can agree that change is hard. At work, change that is poorly communicated, inefficient, or otherwise unreliable is especially exasperating. It’s understandable…

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Invest in Rest: What Happened When I Took My Own Advice

While I was writing my latest book, Bust Out of Service Fatigue, I stumbled across something interesting after developing the chapter called “Invest in Rest.” Want to know what I discovered? I realized wasn’t walking my talk. Rest isn’t just about sleeping enough or putting your feet up with a cup of hot tea. Rest…

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Bust Out of Service Fatigue: Invest in Rest

I know what you’re thinking: The concept of rest is a no-brainer when it comes to a book about service fatigue. If there’s one way to bust out once and for all, it makes sense to think the answer is simply to rest more. And sure, managing your rest— getting enough and of good quality—is…

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Bust out of Service Fatigue: Build Better Boundaries

Let’s talk boundaries: what they are, why they’re important, and how they can help you and your team bust out of service fatigue once and for all. Boundaries are a hot topic right now, as we all learn more about how effective they are to maintain peace of mind. It’s so important to your mental…

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Bust Out of Service Fatigue: Armor Up to Bust Out

Watch an exclusive clip. Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone who needs to “vent”? How about a boss who explodes on you even when the issue at hand is not your fault? You know what I mean: the moment when a person needs to let out feelings in a strong, sometimes…

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Real Clients, Real Answers: Face Phone Fear to Connect & Close

Two weeks ago, I talked with a recent program attendee in the technology field, providing amazing solutions to IT customers. He manages a team of people who must get on the phone to close sales. During our exploratory call he said, “I’ve got an issue with some of the team having phone fear. Can you…

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Themed Living: My Theme for 2022 — Is it Enough?

Every year about this time I choose a theme for the coming year. I call it theme living, and it’s defined as choosing a word or short phrase to focus on starting January 1 and lasting for the next 365 days. Some years have been fun, like 1998, “The Year of No!” And some years were super challenging, like 2011, “No Soda, No Sass.” (For the record, giving up the…

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